Photos by Deny Howeth
"Me Too in American Slavery: The Margaret Garner Story"
A Lecture by Writer/Director Joanne Caputo
Award-winning independent filmmaker Joanne Caputo is currently lecturing on “Me Too in American Slavery: The Margaret Garner Story.” Based on research for her television series about Margaret Garner’s life, Caputo's presentation with PowerPoint visuals and historical artifacts comes at a time when the two-word hashtag – created by Black civil rights activist Tarana Burke – is being used on social media to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual harassment and assault. “At a national level, we’re finally admitting to the problem,” notes Caputo (with personal “Me too” experience), “and I think we’re ready to look at some of its deeper cultural roots.” According to Caputo, Margaret Garner’s 19th century enslavement was layered with sexual bondage so complex it drove her to escape and take her own child’s life in order to prevent its return to slavery.
Caputo’s research of Garner began 25 years ago, inspired by a private compulsion to understand Garner’s child murder. After locating Garner’s enslaved home in Kentucky, Caputo helped
organize a 1998 preliminary archaeological dig by two universities, and subsequent listing on the National Register of Historic Places. By 2008 Caputo published Margaret Garner, now an e-book endorsed by historian Charles Blockson of Temple University, author of The Underground Railroad.
She also published an accompanying memoir about her research experience that included paranormal events.
A former medical filmmaker and magna cum laude graduate from the University of Pittsburgh, Caputo’s first documentary, “On a Roll: Family, Disability and The American Dream,” won the PBS Independent Lens Audience Award and was recommended by The New York Times
( Her other productions include a prison artist re-entry educational film,
a World War II love letters short film and a children’s video, “Ballerina, Ballerina,” recommended by Sesame St. Magazine.
organize a 1998 preliminary archaeological dig by two universities, and subsequent listing on the National Register of Historic Places. By 2008 Caputo published Margaret Garner, now an e-book endorsed by historian Charles Blockson of Temple University, author of The Underground Railroad.
She also published an accompanying memoir about her research experience that included paranormal events.
A former medical filmmaker and magna cum laude graduate from the University of Pittsburgh, Caputo’s first documentary, “On a Roll: Family, Disability and The American Dream,” won the PBS Independent Lens Audience Award and was recommended by The New York Times
( Her other productions include a prison artist re-entry educational film,
a World War II love letters short film and a children’s video, “Ballerina, Ballerina,” recommended by Sesame St. Magazine.
To schedule a presentation, contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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